Thursday, 2 August 2018

How to Applied R12.2 Pataches

As we are knowing that applying patch in ORACLE EBS R12.2 is different than R12.1.

From R12.2.0 onward oracle has introduced online patching functionality called ADOP.

Oracle EBS 12.2 introduces Online Patching, a new feature that greatly reduces the downtime that was needed in previous releases for application of Release Update Packs (RUPs), Critical Patch Updates (CPUs), and other patches and bug fixes of various kinds.

Note: The classic patching model is designed to minimize downtime by running as fast as possible, using whatever resources are needed. In contrast, the online patching model is designed to minimize downtime by allowing patching operations to be performed while users remain on the system.

There are below 5 Phases of ADOP(online patching):



1. Download the patch and unzip on patch_top.

2. Must go through Readme.html or readme.txt.

3. Prepare the system for patching

     a.  we can run the .env file . or the adop utility sets its own environment.
     b. Then run the below command for prepare the System for patching:

$ adop phase=prepare

4. Wait for the prepare phase to be complete.
Please check the status from below points:

$ adop -status 

Enter the APPS username: apps
Enter the APPS password:

5. After completion Prepare phase, go to next phase called Apply phase:

$adop phase=apply patches=1234567

Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:
Please wait. Validating credentials...

6 . After completion of apply phase, goto next phase called Finalize phase:
i.e like Ready the instance for cutover

$ adop phase=finalize

Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:
Please wait. Validating credentials...

7. After completion of Finalize phase, goto next phase called Cutover:

$ adop phase=cutover

Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:
Please wait. Validating credentials...

Note: Keep checking Status after every Phases.

8. After completion of Cutover phase, run next Cleanup Phase
We can do this step after instance is released to Customer.

$adop phase=cleanup

Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:

If there are some reason either the prepare or apply phase failed or any problems then you can abort this patching cycle.

$adop phase=abort

But always remember, after running abort, you must always run a full cleanup as:

$adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full

So, this will remove all columns that were added by the patches but are no longer needed because of the abort.